Recruitment/training support
Recruitment/training support
Recruitment/training support
Providing a broad range of support for your personnel affairs in emerging countries
In addition to existing services supporting administrative aspects, including accounting and general affairs, that we have provided as part of our Techno Park business, we have introduced a staff education and dispatch service to help you lay the foundation for your production (organization) required for your production at local plants.
We support hiring and educating activity in emerging countries where turnover rates are high and securing and training a workforce can be difficult, continuously providing a broad range of support in personnel affairs to help build a production environment in which you can focus on manufacturing activity without worries.
Recruitment/training support
- We provide consistent support for your hiring activities (advertising, screening, training) in emerging countries where it is often difficult to secure and train a stable workforce.
- We design a variety of training programs, provide basic education (basic operations, manners, communication) before dispatching staff to your pl
Class in session
Class in session
Class in session
Class in session
Fully-equipped worker dispatch service (e.g. from Techno Park Poi Pet)
Roles of Techno Park Poi Pet
We perform anything from placing job advertisements, screening for new staff, working out interview schedules, conducting pre-dispatch training, monitoring safety and health of dispatched workers through onsite inspections and resolving troubles to calculating wages, workers’ accident insurance, and various worker benefits.
●Advertising positions/screening/arranging interviews ●Basic training before dispatching
●Labor management of dispatched workers
●Calculating wages/workers’ accident insurance/worker benefits
Basic training before dispatch
- Provided as part of worker dispatch service
- Techno Park Poi Pet employees serve as instructors
- Instruction on basic practices (greetings, manners, etc.) and communication skills provided in a 2-day, 16-hour course.
- Expanded training scope being considered to
Some service details vary depending on our offices.